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Who, where, how and why?

Why should you properly use 3D content? Or use 3D at all?

It is crucial to identify the direct and indirect relations of digital models. Whats important in the sales process? Who does the planning? Whats the customer’s journey? Which platforms are available? What are the necessities, what are the possibilities, where are the limits? What can you expect – and how can you achieve this?

Our report, together with a broad understanding of branch specific information and future trends, opens up a great potential of optimization.

Digital is today. And accessing it is easier than it seems.

Analysis Explanation


Industry Report

Over 400 mainly European manufacturers have been thoroughly analyzed on the availability, quality and use of 3D content on manufacturer websites and on third party platforms.

4 categories, 43 attributes, weighted results and representative scores give a comprehensive overview and valueable insights.

What platforms are available, which ones are preferred, what is common and what is rare. What is an advisable standard and what can be ignored.

The report reveals a enormous hidden potential, yet easy to access.

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Planning Procedure


Planning Procedure / Understanding the planning process

Architect / Designer

  • Comprehensive Approach
  • Complex Planning
  • High Design Quality

Software: Sketchup, Rhino, AutoCAD, Vectorworks, Revit, ArchiCAD, others.

Office Planner / Vendor

  • Functional Approach
  • Full-Service
  • Medium Design Quality

Software: pCon Planner, Sketchup, others.

Personal Customer

  • Little Expertise
  • Searchs Online
  • High Expectations

Software: None, Sketchup, online tools, free office planning software.

Its important to understand the process of various customer levels, how the use data, in which way and what for.
Depending on skill level, professional use of design and planning softwares or personal demands - the user needs to be equipped / be able to use data in the process. The professional needs proper data to plan a design and present it in a convincing quality. The private does not know what data to expect but demands visual quality and a good customer experience. A HQ representation of the product to get convinced of the product. Ideally he can configure HIS product, already creating a personal bond. Spending effort on a good UI and UX is a piece in leading to the sale of the product.





The pandemic has a major impact on the whole world - personally, culturally, in working environments and in sales processes. The demand of adequate home office similar to well equipped office spaces draws a new kind of customer into a former professional dominated field.

In addition, shopping experiences shifted from an already increasing digital market to a exceptional increase in perception and usability. By the rise of digital usability physical showrooms are less visited which lowers the return of investment in this area exponentially.


A word often heard and still somehow abstract. What is digitalization and how can you benefit from that? In return, what will be the future

Online / Offline

Ropo Effect, Omnichannel Marketing, increasing rise of new platforms (AR, mobile ..)

Sales Facts



Sind im Sketchup Warehouse gelistet. Nur 7% bieten einen aktuellen Katalog an. 13% der Modelle sind fehlerhaft bzw kaum nutzbar.


Sind im Sketchup Warehouse gelistet. Nur 7% bieten einen aktuellen Katalog an. 13% der Modelle sind fehlerhaft bzw kaum nutzbar.


nutzen pCon auf ihrer Webseite zur Darstellung der Produkte, davon 7% konfigurierbar, 2% verkaufen darüber direkt


Die Möglichkeit, auf Sketchup Warehouse eine top Position zu erreichen liegt bei 89%.


Sind im Sketchup Warehouse gelistet. Nur 7% bieten einen aktuellen Katalog an. 13% der Modelle sind fehlerhaft bzw kaum nutzbar.



To sum things up..

Its all about digital.

It's all about digital. Digital is the future and digital is today. There is not a big gap to cross from creating proper digital content and optimizing the use of existing tools and platforms. Good news is, its not that much of an expense but a huge opportunity of return. Important now and substantially in the very near future.

Technical knowledge base.

Learn more about digital content, how identify traps and how to create proper 3D content.

Digital is what we do.

We are 3D specialists and put quite some effort into identifying the individual needs within the branch. Lets partner up, learn more about our work here